台灣已逐漸邁入高齡化社會, 所以年輕人的負擔愈來愈重?  是嗎?  我不懂, 為什麼老年人只能是負擔, 而不能是資產?  為什麼老年人只能退休等死?  有能力的老人, 甚至於生產力比年輕人還高的老年人必須要退休, 不能留下來繼續貢獻生產力?  年齡歧視是造成中高齡失業率居高不下的主因.  台灣的反年齡歧視僅發生在紙上作業, 只要徵職公告中的文字沒有明顯的年齡歧視就好; 實際的人事運作上, 勞委會連管都不會管!  "65歲必須強制退休"的規定本身就是年齡歧視!  年輕人的負擔愈來愈重, 要怪誰呀! 
名商業演說家(Business Speaker) Lou Heckler 對嬰兒潮世代(baby boomer)的人力(腦力)應用, 有以下的說法:
Lous Been Thinking About Creativity & Age (此為專欄標題)
All times in history have demanded creative people, but it seems that it is truer today than ever before.  The good news is — we have a ready pool of bright, experienced people to draw upon: baby boomers.  Look, I know this is a little self-serving since I am one, but are we using this brain power that still hungers to contribute or are we sending our 65-year-olds and older into retirement with a watch and a handshake? 
人們始終都需要有創造力的人力, 現在更是如此!  好消息是, 我們已經有一大群聰明且有經驗的人力庫, 就是嬰兒潮世代.  我們是要好好地利用這一群仍然渴望貢獻心力的人力資源?  還是只是想送他們一只手錶然後握手送他們去退休呢? 
George Bernard Shaw won a Nobel prize when he was 70. Mark Twain wrote two books at 71.  Even Thomas Jefferson was still concocting inventions and dreaming up ideas into his seventies and eighties. If your organization has hit a bit of a plateau right now, how about seeking some older men and women who would like to contribute their ideas? No one person and no one age group has all the answers, but by asking a broad range of people the right questions, some really fresh and innovative directions will emerge.
George Bernard Shaw 在70歲贏得諾貝爾獎; Mark Twain (馬克吐溫)在71歲還寫了2本書; 即使是Thomas Jefferson 直到7、80多歲還是絞盡腦汁地創作發想.  如果你們的組織發展正遇到了瓶頸, 是否也應該考慮徵詢一些有能力也願意貢獻的老年人呢?  沒有任何一個人或一群人有完整的答案, 不過, 廣泛地向大範圍(年齡層)的人們詢問正確的問題, 說不定, 一個意想不到的創新的方向就會浮現! 
別忘了, 還有雷根70幾歲才當美國總統; 姜太公(尚)7、80歲才助武王伐紂, 建立曠世功業! 

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