Every Friday, Nightly Business Report program has a small series by Lou Heckler, Lou's Been Thinking. This Friday last (July 6, 2012) he said something about business reassurance (http://bcove.me/1pi2d1xu) as follows.
每周五夜間商業報導(Nightly Business Report)節目接近尾聲時, 有一個小系列專題, 叫做Lou's Been Thinking, 評論關於顧客服務的事項. 本周談論的是企業(再)保證, Business Reassurance. 請參看影片連結, http://bcove.me/1pi2d1xu.
Lou’s Been Thinking About Business Reassurance
GHARIB: And when it comes to customer service, sometimes you have to give customers more than what they ask for. This week Lou’s been thinking about dandelions. Here’s author and educator Lou Heckler.
LOU HECKLER: My son is not a little boy any more. In fact he just turned 40. I was smiling the other day when I thought about a special moment when he was about the age his older daughter now is. He came into the house and handed my wife a bunch of dandelions he had picked in the back yard. These are so sweet, she beamed as he looked on with pride, but they look kind of smashed. I know, he responded immediately. I stomped on every one to make sure there were no bees.
Lou Heckler說: 我兒子小時候, 有一天他從外面進了屋子, 手裡拿著一束從院子裡摘來的蒲公英花, 臉上顯得十分自豪地把花束交給我太太. 我太太對他說, 這些很漂亮(sweet), 不過好像都碎掉了! 我兒子回答說: 我知道, 因為我每一朵花都踩(或捶)了一下, 以確保沒有蜜蜂藏在花裡面.
As a business speaker and writer, I think all the time about what business is really about. I know it’s about finding a need and filling it. But the older I get—maybe I should say the more experienced I get—I think it’s really about stomping on dandelions. The people who do business with you, customers, clients, patients, whatever you call them, they’re out there in the backyard of their lives and they also wonder which dandelions have bees on them. Your job—my job—is not just to make a sale or fill a need, it’s to reassure. Yes, this is the right product or service for you. Yes, this will make you feel comfortable. Yes, this is the finest quality we can offer. Yes, you can trust us to treat you with hospitality and joy and grace. Look, most people can go to a number of places to get what we do. We need to give them a concrete reason to deal with us. I happen to think that stomping on dandelions is a darn good one.
企業是怎麼一回事呢? 我知道企業的功能在於尋找需求, 與滿足需求. 但隨著我的年長, 或更應該說經驗的累積, 我認為所謂的企業意義, 其實就在這踩蒲公英花之中. 你的顧客(不管叫做customers, 或clients, 或patients, 或是其他名稱)從你我手中接過去"蒲公英花(指企業所出售的商品或服務)," 他們會懷疑, 手中的"蒲公英花"到底是怎樣的一朵(或一束)"花." 你我(企業家)的責任, 不單純是銷售商品服務與滿足顧客需求, 更在於企業保證(assurance and reassurance). 企業家要向顧客保證(再保證), 交給他們的是對的產品與服務, 讓他們感覺舒服, 知道這是我們所能提供的最佳品質, 能放心接受我們的商品與服務, 因為我們是誠心誠意地對待我們的顧客.
I’m Lou Heckler.
The 2011 Taiwan food scandal was a food safety scandal in Taiwan over the use of plasticizers in food and drinks as a clouding agent. Many famous companies were deeply affected. As far as Taiwan people are concerned, they were not victoms, as a matter of fact, they were part of the problem. It seems to me that they don't know what business assurance and business reassurance really are! Shame on them! Taiwan businesses still have a lot to learn, in terms of customer service, as well as competitiveness.
去(2011)年的塑化劑醜聞, 很多知名公司受到牽連. 其實, 他們並不是受害者; 他們本身根本就是大問題. 不知他們的企業管理是怎麼學的, 是怎麼做的, 怎麼會連企業保證都不懂! 還有臉到處大放厥詞, 可恥!