2016年美國共和黨總統候選人中的唯一女性, 也是前惠普(Hewlett-Packard)執行長(CEO), Carly Fiorina 在接受 Glenn Beck 的電話訪問時, 作以下的表示. 其中說明了大政府與大財團間私授利益的假資本主義的危害. 再看台灣這幾十年來的情況, 不也就是這一副模樣嗎! 這種假的資本主義, 就叫做 "crony capitalism." 這種假的資本主義, 與中國所謂的國家資本主義, 在本質上, 根本沒有兩樣!
When big government gets bigger, only the big, the powerful, the wealthy, and the well connected can handle it.
在大政府底下, 只有有錢有勢, 有關係的個人或團體才能有辦法.
It's called crony capitalism.
這就叫做私授資本主義(有人翻譯做"裙帶資本主義," 不過, 我認為, "裙帶"只是私相授受的管道之一而已.).
And you are right. Both Republicans and Democrats alike have created crony capitalism. Have furthered crony capitalism. It is what people who have been in the status quo, politics, all their lives do because that system, that status quo benefits them. The truth is, the only way you can level the playing field so that the small and the powerless can prosper is to reduce the power of government.
你是對的, 共和黨與民主黨一樣, 他們共同建立了這樣一個假的資本主義. 這些年來, 並且已經把他推展到一個無以復加的地步. (這裡的形容詞是我加的) 這群私相授受的政商集團, 終其一生, 就是這樣生活著的. 你要寄望他們會主動改變嗎? (這一句是我加的) 為了讓遊戲規則能公平, 讓無權無勢的人也有機會成功, 為今之計, 只有削減政府的權力!
I started out as a secretary in a little nine-person real estate firm. My husband, Frank, started out driving a tow truck for a family-owned auto body shop. It's how most people start. And so when we have government crushing the potential of this nation — and that's what we have.
我一開始是一家九人的小型地產公司的秘書; 我先生原先是為一家家庭式汽車車體維修廠開拖吊車的. 大部分的美國人都是這樣開始的. 可是, 我們的政府已經粉碎了我們大家的希望了.
You know, you mentioned God. And I'm glad you did, and I know you're a man of great faith. And I'm a woman of faith. Jesus Christ has seen me through some very difficult times. But when I was a little girl, my mother said to me, what you are is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God.
我很高興你提到"上帝," 我知道你是一個信仰很虔誠的人; 我也是個有信仰的(女)人. 耶穌看著我, 歷經無數艱難的時刻. 當我還是個小女孩時, 我媽媽告訴我, 天生的你, 是上天(上帝)給你的禮物; 而你的成就, 是你回報上天(上帝)的獻禮. (不知道我這樣翻譯有無不妥? 請指教.)
This, I believe, is the fight we must have. I as a conservative believe every one of us is gifted by God. No one of us is any better than any other one of us. Every one of us has the capacity and the desire to live a life of dignity and purpose and meaning. This government is now crushing the potential of this nation and too many people in it. And progressives honestly believe, it's okay to crush people's potential because progressives believe, some of us are smarter than others. Some of us are better than others. So some of us are going to take (care of) others. The core of conservatism is not just the value of life, but the gift in every life. And the core of progressivism is nah, actually some of us know better than the rest of you. That is why government has to get cut down to size. Because it is crushing the potential of this nation. And crushing the nation of too many Americans.
我相信, 這就是我們必須要奮鬥下去的原因. 身為保守派的一員, 我相信, 我們每一個人都是上天的禮物; 沒有任何一個人, 比別人了不起. 每一個人都有能力與願望去過一個有尊嚴有目標有意義的人生. 這個大政府正在摧毀這個國家與其中大部分人民的潛力與願望. 進步主義者真的認為, 某些人比其他人聰明, 某些人比其他人優秀, 某些人就是要來照顧(照顧的另一面就是控制)其他人, 因此犧牲某些人的潛力是理所當然的! 保守主義的核心價值, 不只是每一個生命的價值; 更是在每一個生命裡, 得自上天的本能潛力! 這就是我們必須要限縮政府的規模與權力的根本原因. (重複處不再贅述.)
最後兩段所說的"上帝," 如果不是非得叫做"耶和華"或"耶穌"(或任何特定名稱)不可的話, 本質上. 我是贊同的! 這也就是某些美國人所說的"rugged individualism."